Saturday, July 18, 2009

honestly . . .

people are so very judgemental.
its sickening. seriously, who in the
world are you to judge me for my
story and what i do. yessss i do
understand that everyone is
gonna talk shit about you and
what you do whether you're
doing the right thing or the
wrong thing but still.

adultsss. seriously, your an
adult. grow up! if you dont
like the way i dress, if you
dont like my attitude, if you
think im a bad influence.

i dress cute, not skanky. thankyou.
i dont have an attitude, i just dont
care about anything you have to say.
im not a bad influence, im just open
with the things i do. trust me your
kids do the things i do too. & i can
almost gaurantee you that they do
it more than i do.

just be cause i won $1,000 doesnt
mean anything. seriously. money
cant make you who you are. you cant
expect me to act a certain way because
i won some money. the money had nothing
to do with my behavior at alll. mmkay?!
i am who i am. im not changing for anyone.

i know that your adults, & i'm a teenager.
i understand that we will never ever be on
the same level, but still. for you people
to judge me before you even know me
is horrrible, and no one should be treated
that way. dont ever look down on me, its
just not right. you really need to take a good
look at yourself before you try to come
at me. say what you want about me,
i cant stop you anyways.

just remember that you have absolutely
no idea what its like to be me. how you
treat people, will affect them for the
rest of thier lives.

talk about me as much as you want to.
and say whatever you wanna say its
pointless to tell you to stop anyway.
if you think that i dont care about anything?
your wrong.
if you think that i'll never find someone
who will treat me right?
your wrong.
if you think that my attitude is the
reason that im unhappy?
your wrong.
if you think that i'll never be happy?
your wrong.
but if you think im going no where in
life, guess what?!

im your average teenage girl. doing what
we do. yeah i do things that im not proud
of, but oh well. its life, & you only live once.
im living the life of every teenage girl, &
im being judged for everything that i do
whether its good or bad. i dont understand
why you people dont tell me about the
gifts god has given me, and encourage me
to open them up. you might think im
not going anywhere in life, but iam
determined to prove you wrong.
mark my words, im gonna be somebody
someday. wait&see. you just wait&see.

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