Thursday, June 25, 2009

long timee no writeee. aha

whaaats happppeniiiin. (:
i havent been on this shit in
mad long. ahaha but yeah anywho.
the other day, the carwash was cancelled.
:/ i was sad lol. but yeah its whatever.
speaking of dynamy, my internship
still isnt set up. which sucks cause
i need to get that ish done. lol but w/e
im sleeepin at my cousins houseee. aha
shes 22, & im here with her boyfraan, but
they're both like big litttle kids. ahah im
havin odee fun right now. lol <3 love them.
her boyfraaan was teaching me how to drive
a stick. seeing that im hopefullly gettting
my permit next friday. lol ahha but i wanna learn
how to drive a stick because then no one can
ask me to drive my car. lol that'd be great!
then he told me that "im very particular about
who im friends with because i can tell whose
fake and who's not." aha i kinda think thats true,
because i dont have any friends true statement.
and i really dont care. lol it is what it is. ahah :D
he is the shiiiiiiiiiit nigggaaaaa. i get good vibes
from hiim. my cousin picked a goood one. ahaha ♥
oh yeah today me him & my cousin was in
walmart, and i seeen some silly string, and
i came and sprayed it on him, and then i
thought it was over. ahah but he came back
for revenge. and he got me. lmao he got me od
with sillly string. lmaoo so its war now! ahaha
but yeah im gassed that my boy is stilll my boy.
ahaha i think that we are closer than ever. lmao
& its the shiiiit. lmao hes the bomb. :D welllllllllll,
im kinda sorta talking to someone, hes cute. ahah
i beeen hanging with him a lot & ishh. but yeah
idk its not that serious, we're both on the same
page, and dont wanna be tied down cause its
summmer. you know?! & we're both going on
vacation. but yeah its gravy. i dont wanna like
be tied down to anyone cause its summer, i just
want to live my life, & do me. its summer 09
we in hereeee, lets get it. ahah i dont need no
man holding me down. i want to be able to do
what i do. and have fun while doing it. yu know?
but yeah it is what it is. schoools out, its the
summmmer, and its time for me to do me
the way i want tooo so for those of you who
dont like it..... FAAACKKK YAAAAA. :D
but yeah shit with me is gooood. lol im happpy
and everything is going good i guess. lol my
internet isnt working, so ill be on when i can.
lol smelllllll.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

oh yeah!

my song of the upcoming week is:
"dont forget about us" - mariah carey.
-- i just remembered i loved that song.

and the quote of the day is :
"you never think the last time is really
the last time, you never think there
wont be more. you think you have
forever, but you dont."

satuhday was a goood day.

the carwash this morning was
the bomb diggity! lmao (: i had
mad fun chillin with my buddies.
like we all seem to get along good,
so i know that washington will be
mad fun. lOl. we had 3 things going
on, we was having a yardsale. (wack)
a carwash. (bomb) and we were
sellling foood. (maad goood.) ahah
the carwash was free, but we were
accepting donations. thats how we
made mad guap. like some random
ass nice lady gave us $40 as a donation.
i was maaaad shocked. lmao i had fun.
i was stuck at the nail salon with my
mother. -_- i hate being in the nail
salon when im not getting my nails
done. it was so wack, so i just fell
asleeeeep. ahaha but yeah that
was it.
yeah then i went to my boys house.
and i had mad fun. well just cause
like we got to talking, and i got some
goood advice. ahaha yo i love him. <3
but thats it, and tomorrrow is the big
day. carwash part II. i did one for church,
and tomorrow is one for dynamy. if the
one today was this fun, i can only imagine
what tomorrow will be like. lmao me & mel
washing cars alllll dayyy! lmao 11am-3pm.
text me & get yur car washed for free.
but send a donation. lmfao. (: im ohso tired.
and i need to write in my journal. lol smelll.

Friday, June 12, 2009

fridaaay! part II

mmmkay im baaaaaaackkk. (:
so yeah i deffinitely want them dunks.
odeee i want them. lmao (: but yeah.
after we roamed some more we left.
i wanted some jeans so baad, but i hate
shopping for jeans, cause idk what size
iam. & i hate trying to figure it out. ):
so we left, then i went to mels house,
and played with destiny. awwwh
shes so cute. lol i love herrr. she was
odeee laughing with me today. ♥
then i went to nuggets, and i met her brother.
hes maaaad nice. (: lol but then ma drove me
to toriesss. & some other stupid ish happened,
and i was mad shocked about that. lmao. :/
pooooor innocent litttle boy. lmao ahahaahaha
& so i was there eating motzerella stickssss.
ahah yo i love that girl odeee. (: we got BIG
BIG BIG plans for this summmmer. (:
then my mother came to get me, and she was
alll mad so i was laughing at her. & texting up
a storm. then i went to lester for some reason.
lol i went to help my mom but i felll asleeep so
i dont have anything else. lmao. but yeah, idk.
did i mention that this whole weeek i beeen
going to sleep at like 2am. and i been so tired.
and i have no idea how i beeen functioning. lol.
i think im runnnning on adrenaline and idk. (:
the plans for this weeekend are od. ahah so i
guess sunday, im gonnna recoooperate? ahah
welll i think thats it. i had a goood week overall.
but now im upset. so im outskiiii. smelllington! (:


yoooo ! today was literallly mad crazy.
like i been shocked, & dumbfounded
allll damn day. & i have no idea why.
at schoool at the end of the day, i was
mad shocked, cause some shit happened.
dont asssskkkk. long storyyy but yeah.
after school i was with melissa as usual.
and two other boys. that were suppossed
to buy us fooood! lmao they fronted. ahah
so we was at mel's house for a good 30
minutes chilllen on her porch with them.
then we went on some street. lmao i rlly
didnt even know where i was. :D but yea.
so we was there, then we seen some guy
get robbed. like it was OD the guy was
literallly like 10 feet away from me. i was
OD scared. :/ like everyone was just watchn
tooo. the boys were just tellin us naht to
worrry, and naaht to look. but deadasss,
its was like a car accident, i didnt wanna
look, but i couldnt stop staring. i felt so bad.
then we went to dynamy. mind you, this
-_- so we get there, and raquel is like lets
go to the mallll. so i was like yaaaaah! ahaha
but i was stilll mad dumbfounded and shocked
about what i just seeen. lol. so we get to theee
maallll, & i didnt even feel like shopping.
lol idk. but yeah. we was in forever 21. and
maad other stores. but hmm i seeen these
dunks, and they was maaad cute. im bout to
ask for them for my bday. i seen like 3 pairs
i wanted. damn i want them . lol but hmmmm,

im bout to leave, im naaaht done with this blog.
i'lll be baaack! lmao give me 45 minutes. (:

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

no nameee.

welllll hmmm. (:
life is just grand. lol
lol monday was bomb! (:
i hung out with my nigggasss.
daaamn had been mad long,
but i had a blast. niggas seemed
like they missed me. lmao yay!
aha i was gassed. lol and it was a
beautiful day, so i was even more
happpppy but yeah. mickey was
actin mad waaack. she wouldnt
wanna bag one of my boys! lmao*
tuesday i seen my niggas again. lol
it was str8. lol but i got bruised. :/
they hurt ohdee. -_- and yeah. lol
i went to dance to, & when i get there
they wanna come tell me that dance
is cancelledd for the night. yo i was
pissed! deadasss. like what the faack.
yu made me come across the city for
no reason. i was tight & still am! -_-
today was dynamy, and the freshman
induction. lol we went to some garden
on main street. & i seen a sexy! lmao
aha but yeah i hate main street. -_-
and they made is walk there. i was od
pisssed. but it was str8, cause i was
with the girls. lOl. (: but yeah. at the
induction tonight, i looked mad cute.
& i quote. lol i had on some hawwwt
zebra stilletos. (: ahaha YES MONEY!
lmao mel had heeels on too, i taught
her wellll. lol but yeah i made a speech.
and i won the spirit award. yo i got spirit!
lmao. i should be a cheerleader. naaah im
odin. but yeah i had fun tonight. (: then
some kid was taking pictures of my shoes,
cause he was in love with them lmao. but
he was a boy, so i was mad confused. aha
but yeah. life is swelllllll. <3 im outskiii.

think before yu act.

i reallt think that people dont do that
before they do something. seriously.
i just watched a video, and it was
about thinking before you act. & idk,
it just made me sad, & made me get
to thinking about everything. :

Sunday, June 7, 2009

foood for thought. ....

"isn't it funny how everyday
nothing seeems to changee.
But when you look back on
your life, everything is waay
diffffferent. "


today was the shiiiiiiiiit .
it was obv. wack, ahaha but
over alll it was faacking
BOMB nigggguh. (: lmao*
god answers prayerssss! ahaha
today i went out, and seeen
my nigggga. yo its been mad
long & shit. but even still,
its like nothin ever changed.
dudes are still cooler than
ever, and i thought it would
be awkward, but nopeeeeeee
it was allll loveee. i got
maaad complimentsss & dudes
showed me mad love. ahaha it
was greaat. damnYo. ♥
i went to the supermarket.
and got ice creaaam. lol
yo i really havent been
eating that much lately. :/
i beeen maaad full all the
time. aahah whatever, im
getttting skinnierrr. (:
today all my plans got ruined.
-_- i hate when nigggas front.
its one of my biggest pet peeves.
ew. but anyways i had a gooooood
night. i watched a movie. lol it
was goood. but trust, neeext
weekend will be greaaat! (:
im so happppy like deadassss.
these past 2 days have been
so goood. like you have no
idea. (: ♥ i love my
life. hopefully this continues. (:

Friday, June 5, 2009

this is for ...

The girls who held it all in when things
came crumbling to pieces again. and
This is for those days spent trying to
hold back the tears, and the tears that
turned into anger, then disappointment.
this is for all the girls that have faith that
2m will be a bettttter day, guess whaaat :

it willl be.

today ...

i was so weak today. literally,
i dont feel good at alll. i couldnt
even do anything, &then i ate.
so i felt bettter. but im still
sick. urgh. ahaha.
i just got extremely happpppy.
ANYWAYYYSSS, lmao i just
screamed. ahah ohman! ahaha
but yeah after school today, i
wasted mad time! -_- i coulda
been typing an essay, but i was
walking on pleasant street. lmaO*
jeeeezee meng. idk when im gonna
write that shit, i need it done soon!
but yeah, washington is way
sooner. fastly approaching. lOl
31 daaaays mengg. damn! YO!
i have mad shit to do before i
go. daaamn. ahah whatever,
it'lllll be dandyyy. oh yeah maaad
drama is happenin w everyone.
faack that no one better rain
on my faaaacking parade!
idk yo, im happppy now!
smellllllliiiiingtoonnn. ♥

Thursday, June 4, 2009


today i did so much damn work!
liiiiike i was working for like
4 hours str8. on some nerve
racking shit, i have never been
so nervous in my life. but rauqel
said that i did okay. & one day
i'll look back and laugh at myself.
yeah thats a crock of bullshit.
i had an okay day todayy! (: (:

oh yeah & today i hopped up out
the bed and turned my swag on! (:

smellllllll. ♥

pete is the best all the time. NAHT!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

goodnight. >_<

i've has enough. ike i seriously
just got annoyed in the matter of
like 45 seconds. -_- people love
to test my patience. ew. >_< and
with that im taking my ass to sleep.
goooood faaacking night danksss.

oh yeah tomorrrow is gonna be a long
day!@#$%^&*( this is how it goes :
-schoool 7:20-1:45
-melissas house: 2- 3:15
-dynamy: 3:30-4:30
-math tutoring: 4-5
-breaaaak: 5-6
-chem tutoring: 6-7

*and all this time, i have to be raquels
secretary. ahahah i like the secretary
paaart. lol but daaamn i need sleeep.

ladies & gentlemen,

it all came to a realization to me just now.
i was talking with raquel & mel, and yu know
what, its time. its time to take a deep breath,
and get on with my life! i always was, but then
i wasnt. but im moving. aha it feeels greeeat! (:

i love my liiiiifeee. ♥