so seems to me like he moved on. hmm.
i don't know what to do or say. i always try
to do things to get my mind off of him. but
that only works for so long. then after that
im still stuck thinking about him, while im
damn sure he aint thinking about me. -_-
i have no idea what to do anymore, and i
feel like a complete and total IDIOT. :\
i need help, cause im a complete wreck.
yeah my baby is finally here! lol born
27 days early but she's here, and im
super gassed. she was born 5.1`09.
at 4 lbs. 10 ounces. and i went to see
her and she is absolutely beautiful. ♥
she doesnt understand how much i
love her. i bought her her 1st pair of
jordans, & her first pair of nikes.!
am i a great aunt or whattt? ahaha
welllllll, i love you so very much
Noelani Jael Jonay<3
my journal is coming along lovely
and i actually like writing in it.
it helps me vent i guess you
could say. i always write a
"quote of the day." in it,
and i think that sometimes
it reallly helps me to just sit
down take a breath and think.
i absolutely love my journal.
overall though i guess things are
going alright. besides yu know
the regular normal stuff that
every teenage girl goes through.
ahahaha. but i think that in the
end everything will be alright.
dont worry about boys =) boys are waaackkk. well, most of them! & your lil "baby's" name is cuuute, I like it!