apparently this girl hates me? ahah
maaaaad random. lOl but whatever.
i dont really careee. ahah but yeah.
tomrrow is really the end of the road.
like damn, i knew this day was coming
soon, but i didnt think that it was really
gonna be here this soon. like damn. i
know that its hard to let the future begin.
like this is reality, dudes are stepping out
of thier bubble into the real fucking world.
im honenstly scared for him. hmm, i just
wish that things didnt have to happen so
fastttt. -_- idk what to do, peter will be
absolutely fine i know that i just think
that im sad cause he's leaving without
me. like idk i know it doesnt sound that
serious, but to me it is. like its mad
depresssing. hmmm i know that its
not the end of the world, but still. i hate
the feeeling of being forgottten. i know that
im not forgotten yet, but thinking that
i willl be scares me. i just wish him the
best, & i hope he knows i love him. ♥
baby shower's on saturday. im happy and
sad at the same time. ugh idk what to think.
aha dont asssk why its rediculous. honestly.
but whatever, me&angelica are down for
the ride iguess. whatever tho. we've had
enough of the endless bullshiiiit grow up.
journals great, twitter is WONDERFUL.
ghost is still ghost, and always will be i
guesss, i have one thing to say to that:
i really feeel like even though mad shit is
fallling apart now, its not that bad, and
for once im actually not complaining.!
sometimes good things fall apart, so that
better things can fall together. ♥ i
believe that thats a true statement. so
word to that. (: but yeahhhh ahah im
constantly looking on the brightside of
things. lifes to short to be sad and to
complain all the time. lOl so whatever
yu can waste time mopeing around,
crying and whining or you can pull
your shit together and move the
FUCK ON. and you know what ....!?
dude you're pregnant ?!