i havent been on this shit in
mad long. ahaha but yeah anywho.
the other day, the carwash was cancelled.
:/ i was sad lol. but yeah its whatever.
speaking of dynamy, my internship
still isnt set up. which sucks cause
i need to get that ish done. lol but w/e
im sleeepin at my cousins houseee. aha
shes 22, & im here with her boyfraan, but
they're both like big litttle kids. ahah im
havin odee fun right now. lol <3 love them.
her boyfraaan was teaching me how to drive
a stick. seeing that im hopefullly gettting
my permit next friday. lol ahha but i wanna learn
how to drive a stick because then no one can
ask me to drive my car. lol that'd be great!
then he told me that "im very particular about
who im friends with because i can tell whose
fake and who's not." aha i kinda think thats true,
because i dont have any friends true statement.
and i really dont care. lol it is what it is. ahah :D
he is the shiiiiiiiiiit nigggaaaaa. i get good vibes
from hiim. my cousin picked a goood one. ahaha ♥
oh yeah today me him & my cousin was in
walmart, and i seeen some silly string, and
i came and sprayed it on him, and then i
thought it was over. ahah but he came back
for revenge. and he got me. lmao he got me od
with sillly string. lmaoo so its war now! ahaha
but yeah im gassed that my boy is stilll my boy.
ahaha i think that we are closer than ever. lmao
& its the shiiiit. lmao hes the bomb. :D welllllllllll,
im kinda sorta talking to someone, hes cute. ahah
i beeen hanging with him a lot & ishh. but yeah
idk its not that serious, we're both on the same
page, and dont wanna be tied down cause its
summmer. you know?! & we're both going on
vacation. but yeah its gravy. i dont wanna like
be tied down to anyone cause its summer, i just
want to live my life, & do me. its summer 09
we in hereeee, lets get it. ahah i dont need no
man holding me down. i want to be able to do
what i do. and have fun while doing it. yu know?
but yeah it is what it is. schoools out, its the
summmmer, and its time for me to do me
the way i want tooo so for those of you who
dont like it..... FAAACKKK YAAAAA. :D
but yeah shit with me is gooood. lol im happpy
and everything is going good i guess. lol my
internet isnt working, so ill be on when i can.
lol smelllllll.